YathigaLu : Sri Jagannatha Theertharu
Punya dina : Pushya Shukla Dwithiya
Mutt / Parampare : Sri Vyasaraja Mutt
Pontiff # : 23
Duration : 1755-70
Predecessor : Sri Raghunatha theertharu
Successor : Sri Srinatha Theertharu
Brindavana : Kumbhakonam
River : Kaveri
Dhyana Shloka
vidwat pankaja mArthAnda: vAdimatthEbha kEsaree |
jagannatha gururbhooyat jyAyasE shrEyasE mama ||
1) Also famous as Sri Bhashya Deepikacharyaru
2) He was a great vidwan, tapaswi, and a treasure of vairagya.
3) His greatest work is on Brahma Sutra Bhashya of Sri Acharya Madhwa, hence the famous title
4) He is believed to have crossed the river with Devara Pettige when chased by theives and was protected by Lord Sri Narasimha.

YathigaLu : Sri Suyameendra Theertharu
Punya dina : Pushya Shukla Dwithiya
Mutt / Parampare : SRS Mutt
Pontiff # : 35
Duration : 1933-67
Predecessor : Sri Suvrateendra Theertharu
Successor : Sri Sujayeendra Theertharu
Brindavana : Mantralaya
River : Tunga Bhadra
Dhyana Shloka
sukha theertha mathabdindu sudheendra sutha sEvakaM |
sudhA parimaLAsaktham suyameendra gurum Bhaje ||
1) Poorvashrama Name - Sri Srinivasa murthyachar
2) Was a famous scholor, coach, preacher and enhanced the fame of Mantralaya Kshetra during his time
3) He established Sri ParimaLa SamshOdhana & Prakashana Mandira
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