Parampare: Sri Hari Dasaru
Successor of: Primary Desciple of Sri Vijayadasaru
Duration: 1717 to 1740 (end date is not confirmed becaue of the Ayushya Daana)
· Born at Mosarukallu in 1717. Eldest of four sons, born to Sri Murari Raya (s/o Mudagallappa) and Smt Venkamma with Harithasa Gothra
· His brothers were Rangappa, Seenappa, Daasappa all his disciples, where Dasappa was his favourite, he used to compose Suladi with ankita naama of Guru Gopala vittala. Helavanahalli Giriyamma was another famous Shishye.
· Performed Gayatri Japa for two years under a Vata Vriksha in Sankapur
· He had seen worst of the worst childhood becaue of poverty and other ailments, and grew to be one of the richest Donors ever heard or seen.
· Spent time in telling fortune.
· Becomes Haridasa with the ankitha, “Gopaladasa”.
· Composed thousands of Keerthanas, Suladhis etc,
· Donates 40 years of his life to Sri Shreenivasacharya (Sri Jagannatha dasaru) on instruction from Sri Vijayadasaru. And shows the path to the dhaasa dheekashe.
· He thus became an “ aparokshajnaani as well as “Mahaathma”
· He was affectionately called BhagaNna and noted for “ Bhakthi Maarga” – Bakthiyalli Bhaganna
· One of his Miralces was to give the satisfaction of Laksha Brahmana Bhojana to the Gowda family near Mantralaya enroute to Uthanoor. Three Brothers accepted the Bhojana by the Gowda and blessed them with lots of goodies.
· He spent most of his time in Gadhwal Samsthana helping the King in his administration whenever required especially against Muslims invasion.
· Dasaru had visited all the three – Anna Brahma (Udupi Sri Krishna), Naada Brahma (Pandarapura Panduranga) and Kanchana Brahma (Tirupati Srinivasa). During his last visit to Tirupati, where he knew he cannot comeback again, he composed – “Poguvenu Baralare Marali Illi, Naaga Girivasa, Shreesha Eesha “
· Dasaru was an excellent Artist and painter as well, has done the Bhagavantha Viraat Roopa Darshana to his disciples.
* Spent his last days at Uttanur Venkatesha Devalaya and leaves this world as a great “Aparokshagnani.”
The Mysore University 'Adhyana Samsthe' has brought a beautiful book on him titled, Sri Gopala Daasara Krithigalu
Composition and Kruthis :
Some of the famous compositions of Sri Gopala dasaru are –
o “Rathava Neridha Raghavendra", song in Mohana Raga sung by everybody on Thursdays in his or her home / Temples / Mutts.
o Vagathanadalli Sukhavilla
o Vyragya Maarga Kelu
o Agali Syrisalarevo Venugopala
o Aava Rogavo enage Deva Dhanwantri
o Kotta Bidaradali Eshtu Dina Jeevisali
· One of the other famous composition is for Sri Sathya Bodha Theertharu, while Srigalu wanted to test not just Dasaru but his brothers as well. They individually composed and integrated the Keerthane – Maaramadaghanna Sameera (Sri Gopala Dasaru), Muni Nimma Mahimeyannu (Sri Seenappa Dasaru) and Maaranapajaya kandu (Sri Daasappa Dasaru)
More Info : http://www.dvaita.org/haridasa/dasas/gopala.html
Questionair on Sri Gopala Dasaru : http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=schincho/71078

YathigaLu : Sri Satyabhijna theertharu
Punya dina : Pushya Krishna Ashtami
Mutt / Parampare : Sri Uttaradi Mutt
Pontiff # : 40
Duration : 1945-48
Predecessor: Sri Satya Prajna Theertharu
Successor : Sri Satya Pramoda Theertharu
Brindavana : Rane Bennur
Dhyana Shloka
vEnkatEshAdri mArabhya sEthuM tOtAdri poorvakan |
gatwAdigvijayee pAtu satyAbhijna guroottama: ||
1. Shri Satyabhijna Teertharu was the pontiff of the Shri Uttaradi Mutt during the period from 14/4/1945 to 2/2/1948. His purvasahrama name was Shri Katti Venkannacharya. Shri Satyabhijna Teertharu was ordained as monk and succeeded to the pontificate in 14/4/1945.
2. Shri Satyabhijna Teertharu learned Nyaya, Vedanta from Shri Satyaprajna Teertharu. Shri Satyabhijna Teertharu toured
3. In Ranebennur on 1948 Shri Satybhijna Teertharu ordained Shri Guttal Guracharya to the pontificate throne of Shri Uttaradi Math and named him SHRI SATYAPRAMODA TEERTHARU. He entered Brindavana at Ranebennur on 2/2/1948 Sarvajit , Pushya Krishna AsHtami.
YathigaLu : Sri Lakshmi Manojna theertha
Punya dina : Pushya Krishna Ashtami
Mutt / Parampare : Sri K Vyasaraja Mutt
Pontiff # : 31
Predecessor : Sri Lakshmi Prasanna theertharu
Successor : Sri Lakshmeesha Theertharu
Brindavana : Abbur
River : Kanva
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