YathigaLu : Sri Surendra Theertharu
Punya dina : Pushya Shukla
Mutt / Parampare : SRS Mutt
Pontiff # : 14
Duration : 1504-75
Predecessor : Sri Raghunandana Theertharu
Successor : Sri Vijayeendra Theertharu
Brindavana : Madurai
Dhyana Shloka
yashchakArOpavAsEna thrivAraM bhoopradakshiNaM |
tashmainamO yateendrAya Sri Surendra tapaswinE ||
1) Poorvashrama name - Sri Venkata Krishnacharya
2) He is belived to have encircled the earth three times being in fasting
3) He has been fecilitated by Vijayanagara King Ramaraya, and met with Sri Vyasarajaru to seek desciple and next pontiff for the continuity of samsthana, on which he was given Sri Vijayeendra Theertharu.
4) He also had another desciple Sri Sudheendra Theertharu, who discovered the most famous yathi Sri Raghavendra Rayaru
1 comment:
Hats off to the work done by the people.It is good know more about our saints and the aradhana. I want to know where Sri Sri Surendra Teertharu Brindavan is situated in Madurai so that we can visit there. We also suggest they can mention the locality and how to reach such places so that people interestded to have darshan can do that.S.Venkataraman,chennai
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